Sunday, November 25, 2007

CNC Kits and Plans

CNC Kits and Plans

There are tons of CNC Kits out there for sale.

Here is my reccomendation if you plan on buying some plans and building a machine.

Purchase Multiple Sets of CNC Machine Plans

Look through the Plans

Determine the overall size of machine you want to build

Make tweaks to the plans for what you want to build

Order up all parts before you begin the build

Have a CNC Machine Build Plan completed from the start of the build to the finish before you ever start

This is the most important one: Build, do something, start

The last one is where most people trip up. They quit before they ever start.

Sign Up Now! I have put together a FREE 7 Day E-Course that teaches the basics of CNC. Click Below and Sign Up Today!

Click Here for a Free CNC E-Course